After last weeks insane snow storm, spring is finally in the air! Yes, we did get about 3-4 feet of snow in Truckee. Yes, the river went up some. Yes, the access was impossible for a few days, to a week or so.
The good news is, it’s been in the 40’s almost every day, the river is in perfect shape, and we’re getting more access back by the day, if not hour!
Why is this one of my favorite times of year on the Truckee? One answer, Skwala stoneflies. This has to be my favorite stonefly hatch of the season. Although it’s hard to hit it just right, when you do, you could run into your best dry fly fish of the season. I know, because I’ve seen it happen with me personally, and clients.
You all know me, I’m pretty damn honest when it comes to the Truckee and these reports. We won’t be throwing dries at noses all day, but we can blind cast if we aren’t seeing anything. But these big bugs will bring fish off the bottom, even when they aren’t looking up.
That said, if you’re looking for numbers, here’s some information for you.
Most of our fish this week were on Skwala nymphs, rubberlegs, eggs and worms as our attractor fly. The fish were eating baetis, midges and some winter stones as the dropper. No real seasonal surprises there. You could even try some March Browns in 14s and 16s.
If I had to pick one all around size and fly to fish, it’d be by far a sz. 18 Baetis. Have a good selection of nymphs, emergers and even dries. Tis the season for Baetis on top too!
Also, it’s almost prime streamer time too. Eventually the water is going to come up a bit, and then a whole lot. Be ready with 0x and a selection of 3-4″ bugs with natural colors. Speaking of big fish!
Drop Lu and I a note HERE if you’re looking to get in on the action. We’ll have a lot of water this spring again, and you won’t want to miss out!
-Matt and Lu

Matt W’s PB dry fly fish, Sz. 20 Baetis emerger. Congrats!

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