Not much has changed this week on the Truckee River until today. Flows are still high and cold, with almost perfect color on the CA side. Although, it does appear to be dropping some this morning more than it has all week. See below.
We’re continuing to see the river “yo-yo” like it always does in May. As expected, the river is clearing from morning until noon or 1pm, then going slightly off color from 1pm till dark. This is normal for this time of year and the color hasn’t really affected fishing at all. We’ll see what todays drop does over the next few days.
Mayfly patterns in sizes 14-18 are still kicking out the most fish for our guides each day. I’d stick with basic baetis and march browns (although they are close to done) and PMDs. A few times a week we’ve been doing bug samples with clients and that is by far what we’re seeing the most of.
That said, eggs, worms, crayfish and Pats Rubberlegs are great attractors this time of year. And although we’re not seeing many of our Mother’s Day Caddis, they are around in the afternoons. They are mostly on the small side, 18s.
We’ve also had a fantastic week of Trout Spey fishing with small streamers and soft hackles, in fact some of the best we’ve seen in a long time. So don’t be afraid to swing flies through some of your favorite runs.
Size 16 beaded soft hackles in brown and olive, as well as small leaches and streamers have done really well, and remember, don’t set the hook until you feel full pressure!
For the angler that has “done it all”, a Swing trip should be on your list. Drop us a note to learn more about this fantastic technique.
Drop Lu and I note HERE to get out with one of our fantastic guides!

A beautiful rainbow on a swung mini leech.

Tim with a nice little rainbow on a Tenkara/Euro rig!

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