Well, I can’t lie. Even after the record snow pack this year, the water is still holding up even better than I thought it would be by this time.
The river between Truckee and Lake Tahoe along Rt. 89 is still very low as they are continuing to hold water back in the lake. This isn’t surprising at all, but at some point, sooner than later releases will happen. The good news is that will give the river a much-needed flush of fresh water. It also helps that evening temps are getting cooler and that surface water coming out of the lake won’t be nearly as warm as it was a few weeks ago.
Through DT Truckee to Boca is a little low, but nothing crazy, and definitely worth fishing. Water temps are really good most of the day, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep a thermometer with you after around 3pm. Once the water temps hit 68 degrees (they may not), give the fish rest and come back for that last hour before dark.
From Boca to NV conditions are nearly perfect. That’s all you really need to know. If you can, fish it!
Evening hatches are decent to good with caddis and yellow sallies being the main go-to for most anglers. That said, almost all fish on top in the evenings are 1-2 years old. Small but fun. You’ll have to walk some to find the few adults on top before dark.
Mornings and afternoons are when most anglers are fishing, no surprise there. Our guides have been getting most fish on bobber and tight-line rigs, with hopper-droppers right behind that. There really aren’t many hatches early or around lunch worth talking about. You may see some bugs, but the dry fly fishing has been slow.
A lot of you have fished with me in the summers and you know I’m a sucker for a good hopper-dropper rig. Occasionally, you’ll run into a big summer fish on top too! That said, it is the Truckee, and most fish are taking the dropper.
Don’t overlook fast rifles and pocket water this time of year. Fish are relying on the bubbles and the oxygen in those areas with water temps in the high 50s/low 60s most of the day.
The main bugs have been caddis larva and pupa- 16 to 18s, PMD nymphs- sz 16s, rubberlegs and other assorted stoneflies- 10s to 14s, crayfish and worms. Some yellow sally nymphs have been catching fish too.
If you have questions or are looking to get a guide, let us know. Lu and I are ready to get you on the water, and make sure you have a great day on vacation!
-Matt and Lu

Shari with an amazing buck earlier this week!
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