First things first…the water is dropping fast!
Wow, what a difference a few weeks makes. We’re already well below the spring Water Masters projections from months ago and not surprisingly, the trout are loving life right now.
A few quick tips of note…
Color- Perfect
Temp- Good and getting better. Mid to high 40s, occasionally pushing 50.
Flows- A bit higher than normal (no surprise there). It’s about 500cfs through town, picking up to around 950 or so in the canyon to NV.
On to the fishing. Our guides are reporting daily catching of mostly rainbows, some browns and even some Lahotan Cutthroat. If you’re willing to get a bit adventurous with our crew, maybe even some brookies.
We’re starting to see more and more 1 to 3 year old fish by the day…summer conditions are right around the corner.
With current water temps nymphing is the name of the game right now. To be honest, if your fly presentation is good right now, the fish are eating a mix of everything under the sun.
Flies- Caddis larvae/pupe, tan, green, sz 18 and 16. Stones- goldens and yellow sallies 10’s and 16’s, baetis in 20s and 18s, PMD in a 16, March browns in a 14, midges 22-18s, streamers (dealers choice), worms, eggs and craws…is that enough for you?! haha.
During our Truckee Trout School a few days ago, we saw caddis, midges, PMDs, Baetis and March browns hatching but not a single fish was on the surface. I’m pretty sure it’s a mix of water temps and the small number of bugs so far. That could change soon though!
All that said, never overlook a deep hopper dropper set up around the edges. You never know what might slam that early season hopper on top.
If you’re looking to unlock the secrets of the Truckee, drop us a note. Our amazing team of guides will be more than happy to show you around our backyard.
-Matt and Lu

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