Well, we survived the 4th of July rush and a historic heat wave all in one the last few weeks. The heat and the crowds were the talk of the town around Truckee recently. Thankfully, it looks like both are behind us.
We had a bit of a scare with water temperatures and Hoot Owl closures, but after four or five days of clouds, rainstorms and cooler evening temperatures, it appears the Truckee River is back on track after two great snow years.
Don’t get me wrong, keep fishing with that thermometer and call it quits at 68 degrees. Depending on where you are on the river, it’s not a bad idea to start checking from lunch time on.
Flows for mid-July are just about perfect throughout the entire system right now. From downtown Truckee to Boca is about 325 cfs, below Boca in the Canyon is running at 618. Can’t beat it.
Read all flows HERE.

Now on to Truckee River fishing report.
Things are looking pretty good out there from a bug, and catching standpoint. No surprises most fish our guides are landing on the Truckee are in the 8-16” range. Typical for summer conditions. When the water is clear, daily bright sun, and the lack of clouds, the big fish can be hard to find. But they are there, you just need to put your time in.

All our summer bugs are popping right now. Most fish are being caught subsurface on a mix of sz 14-18 caddis larve and pupe, sz 16 PMDs, sz 18 baetis, sz 12 golden stones, sz 16 yellow sallies and crayfish, crayfish and crayfish. Hint, hint.
There are even a few green drakes around still if you get lucky. Sz 10s and 12s.

In a nutshell, the actual fly pattern may not matter as much as the location and the drift. Look for fish spots and fish them hard. Fish are in the shallow riffles, deep riffles, pocket water and some traditional looking “honey holes”. Fish it all!
Since my last report, Truckee has also had an unusual number of grasshoppers around. And when I say unusual amount, I mean the most anyone has ever seen! They are freaking everywhere. In town, the river, the woods, it’s crazy. So, have your hopper dropper rigs ready!

Other Local Opportunities:
Middle Fork Feather River– The MF is pretty much shut down for the summer season. The lower elevation and summer temps have put that little gem on hold until we get closer for fall and cooler temps.
Nevada Side, Truckee River- It’s gotten a little skinny for float trips this time of year, but our walk and wade options are still going strong. Morning half day trips have been the way to go, with some really nice adults being caught!
Daily Classes: Well, like each July the weeds have bloomed in the pond, but the fishing is still really good! Our morning and evening beginners’ classes are still kicking out fish consistently with a mix of dry fly and hopper-droppers being the go-to.

Fall Fishing: My favorite time of year is just around the corner. Don’t overlook getting on the books now. Lower air and water temps, less people and big fish are all in play. October and November will be here before we know it!!
Looking to get on the water? Drop Lu and a note. We’d love to get you set up with one of our fantastic guides and show you around our amazing back yard!
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